Monday, December 17, 2012

For this photo, I enhanced the yellows and increased the black in the picture. I also used the clone stamp tool to color in a few of the stars.

I enhanced the black and reds. 

I enhanced the blacks, yellows and reds in the photo and increased the light around her face and body.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Perspective Project

I enhanced the black in this photo. 

I tried to make this image warmer by enhancing the yellows and oranges. I also cropped the image so that the bear would be near the bottom left of the picture. I tweaked the blacks in the photo slightly too.

I enhanced the greens and yellows in this photo, and increased the shadows slightly.

I cropped the image and enhanced the orange and reds, then completely drained the image of its oranges. I tried to make it look like leaves were falling on the teddy bear.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Shadow Play

Shadow Play Project

For this project, I created synthetic shadows with the bottom two photos (with the eggs), but the top two photos were from natural lighting. I cropped every picture except for the top, and increased the black in the photos so the shadows seemed more prominant. I took these photos around my house.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dip Tich

Dip Tich Tutorial
I enhanced the black on the image on the left and then inverted and rotated the one on the right. After getting the hang of this, it was pretty simple.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Shadow Tests

Shadow Tests
The first photo was putting a pattern on the subjects face. The second was a silhouette, and the third was the texture picture. 
These were all taken in class and in the dark room. 
I cropped all of the images and enhanced the clarity on the very last one.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Color Project: SF

Color and Neutral Project
San Francisco (Castro District)
For the first color photo and the two neutral photos, I enhanced the black lines. For the very last photo, I increased the clarity a little, and I was really pleased with the finished project. For this color project, I really wanted to tie all the pictures together with a common theme: graffiti. The last two photos displayed neutral tones, which were perfect for the requirements I had to fill for neutral. The top two color photos were full of vibrant colors and great contrasting colors too. d

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Color Grid

Finished Color Project
Found these succulents around my neighborhood. I thought the red on the car made a good background for my project because it made the greens pop even more.
I cropped all of these photos to get a close up feel. For the succulent on the bottom left, I tweaked the color of the picture slightly, making it a lighter green rather than a minty blue, so it would blend in more with the rest of the photos. I enhanced the clarity on the leafs on the bottom center photo. For the green pom-pom looking plant in the second row to the far left, I increased its vibrancy.

Friday, September 28, 2012

ISO: 200
Lighting: Florescent

The objective of the project was to make a grid out of the same objects with different backgrounds.
I cropped all of the photos, and did little else. They were taken in the photo room.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Color Project

Color Project
The original project without the red background. I cropped all of these, and actually arranged this set of photos at home in my version of Photoshop. I liked the way these came out more than the ones that I had arranged at school. All of these were taken around my neighborhood.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Historic Project

Photo shoot in Martinez, California
I felt these photo's gave a historic feel mainly because of the chipping paint on the shed and around the bolt in the bottom photo. I cropped both photos and changed the coloring of the photos by using a sepia layer with the first layer, and for the second I changed it too a cool blue layer. I feel like the strongest photo is the bottom one because of its shadows and clarity.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2012 Photos

Taken at College Park High School
First Photo Project of the Year
I used what was given to us (the paper bag) and tried to work with it. At first the project was difficult, because I couldn't think of what to do with the bag, but I figured it out eventually. I increased the clarity in the bottom photo, and cropped both of them. The assignment was to make the photos give a "Back to School" look, and I think the bottom picture shows that the most, because it looks like somebody could've just been eating their lunch under a tree in the school.